Thursday, June 29, 2017

A walk to the Theodore Indigenous Grinding Grooves

A walk today to have a look at the Aboriginal Grinding Grooves in Theodore, Tuggeranong, Australian Capital Territory. It has been several years since I had been there and I wondered about their condition co-existing with suburbia as they do. Interestingly on this trip I noted new informative signage installed a short way from the grooves. It is only a short walk from the Canberra Nature Reserve of Tuggeranong Hill entry on Christmas Street. You may have to clear out debris from the grooves but they are still perfect.

 From the signage..

Enlarge to read..

Monday, June 26, 2017

Gibraltar Creek Remote Camera and Audio Recorder Recovery

On the 15th of June I placed an audio recorder and a camera trap from a small clearing where a gully confluences with the Gibraltar Creek. The Sony note taker had enough lithium flavored goodness to run for a full seven days and the camera several months if I left it there. Exactly a week later on the 22nd of June I returned to the location and took a little video along the way. This I suppose is just an example of the process I use to capture wildlife. If I was setting the gear just reverse the process.

p.s if an ad turns up on this video its because a section of it has the radio playing in the background and the youtube content id algorithm detected Autumn In New York (Live (1957/Newport)) - Oscar Peterson 0:39 - 1:18 Those Google kids..

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Checking out a scarred tree on Isabella Drive

I know of probably 20 or so authentic Aboriginal scarred trees dotted around the landscape of suburban Canberra. I have posted a few times on this blog about them. Most I discovered the location by researching trees already documented by others but some from simply 'seeing' them on my wanders.

I had driven up Isabella Drive probably thousands of times over the past 30 years but for some reason this tree caught my eye from the roadway. It is not what I suspected and I took some video..

Friday, June 9, 2017

Jedbinbilla Mountain

From the signage at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. A brief description of the importance of the area to Australia’s First People. A beautiful and rugged area with many sites of Indigenous significance. Well worth a visit..

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Common Brushtail Possum Skull

Found by my son whilst hiking in the Brindabellas was this small skull. What I thought was interesting was the remaining canine evident. At first I thought it may be some type of carnivorous marsupial so I posted the photos on the Victorian Field Naturalists Group on facebook and was reliably informed that the skull belonged to Trichosurus vulpecula, or the Common Brushtail Possum.

Apparently it is common to assume the skull was from a Carnivore because of the canines but alas nothing endangered or vulnerable. An interesting find anyway.

History lost through lack of funding

  The following ABC article laments the possible loss of many historical audio visual records that are waiting for digitising into modern fo...